Rizky Amalia, S.P., M.Sc.
Alhamdulillah, thank God for being able to be part of the UGM Phytopathology Study Program, so that you can meet lecturers who are competent in their fields, educational staff and friends who support each other and create a pleasant learning and research environment.
Gen Adi Wisanggeni, S.P., M.Sc.
Studying at the UGM Phytopathology Masters was very enjoyable and allowed me to gain extraordinary experience supported by complete campus facilities, a fun learning process and guided by lecturers who are experts in their respective fields.
Faridawati Junjung Nindhiani, S.P., M.Sc.
Alhamdulillah, the Phytopathology study program fully welcomes and supports student success in terms of facilities, infrastructure, caring academic guidance, and supporting activities such as monitoring study progress. God willing, this can support students to graduate on time and become graduates who are ready to face the challenges of working in the world of agriculture in the future.
Rianosa, S.P., M.Sc.
I am very grateful to be able to study at UGM Phytopathology. Learning and research are supported by professional lecturers, adequate laboratory equipment and a supportive learning atmosphere. Thank you to the lecturers and we hope that UGM Phytopathology can continue to produce competent alumni, the latest research and the best service for the progress of Indonesia.
Nanang Kurniawan, S.Si., M.Sc.
Being able to study Masters at UGM majoring in Phytopathology is a very extraordinary thing, we were happy to go through it together and thank God we were able to graduate before 2 years… Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, lecturers for your guidance and colleagues for their support… Hopefully the knowledge I have gained can be useful for you. many people..Aamiin
Muhammad Sidiq Rumino, S.P., M.Sc.
There is a lot of knowledge that I didn’t get during my undergraduate degree that I now get during my master’s degree at UGM, thereby increasing my knowledge about the world of agriculture. Apart from college activities, we can still organize to train skills such as leadership and self-management. After completing my master’s degree, this increased my enthusiasm to continue learning and deepening my knowledge and taking part in advancing Indonesian agriculture. I would like to thank the lecturers who were very patient in guiding us, my colleagues and UGM, I pray that I can return to pursue a higher level of education.
C. Kinanti Werdiningtyas, S.P., M.Sc.
I feel happy and grateful to be able to study Phytopathology, the lecturers are supportive and care about the condition of their students. The facilities are adequate and the service of the employees is also fast, excellent and good. Even though there were obstacles faced, thank God there was a happy ending, there was a lot of experience and input from the lecturers that I could take from.
Gina Mardiana, S.P., M.Sc.
Very grateful and proud to be able to study at the Master of Phytopathology UGM. Learning at the Master of Phytopathology UGM is supported by complete and adequate facilities, as well as lecturers who are supportive and competent in their fields. So that the UGM Masters in Phytopathology is able to produce many competent alumni.
Muhammad Arief Abyan S., S.P., M.Sc.
Proud and grateful to be able to study at the Master of Phytopathology UGM. Competent lecturers, professional employees, and complete laboratory facilities really support the study process. The lecturers are very supportive, caring, and not stingy with knowledge. Bringing in great people from various countries, job fair activities from large agricultural companies, and lots of study abroad opportunities. Apart from that, the comfortable atmosphere of Yogya is an external supporting factor for studying at the Master of Phytopathology UGM hehe, it’s guaranteed to be hard to move on guys!