UGM Phytopathology Master’s student named Nurina Al Mira took part in the 2022 Student Exhange Program between Universitas Gadjah Mada and Yamagata University by Jasso Scholarship. Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) offers scholarship for qualified international students who are accepted by a Japanese university under a student exchange agreement or other student exchange arrangement on a short-term basis for one year. This program is a program that supports students who carry it out to carry out research while undergoing this program.
At Yamagata University various research was carried out by Nurina including research on virus detection in blueberry plants, exploration of blueberry virus genbank data, viroid infection testing on Nicotiana benthamiana, viroid detection using northern blot, and exploration of viruses and viroids on kaki/persimmon plants (Diospyros kaki) and akebi plant (Akebia trifoliata).